Customer Testimonials
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from 28 reviewsHave to say the Brushshark tree shear has exceeded our expectations. I say “our” expectations because my wife is a good operator as well and actually enjoys running it. I feel the bobcat/Brushshark combination is a safer piece of equipment than a chain saw. We are selectively clearing 150 acres of regrowth cedar. Other than one cut hose (my fault) the unit has work flawlessly. In fact on the Sunday when the hose broke, I contacted Mike and he was able to supply me with a new hose that very same day.
At the beginning the concern was more focused on the Bobcat and if it would hold up to the task. I purchased a used bobcat and have now put 150+ hours on both units with zero down time (Other than cut hose above). As a Bobcat attachment, It’s a very rugged combination. If someone would like to see the unit in action please contact me.
I just wanted to drop a line to let you know how much I have been enjoying my Brushshark tree shear. It has saved me more time and money than you could ever imagine. The first job I did with it was clean the mesquite out of my 30 acre coastal field. I started with my dad and 2 hired hands chopping the mesquite by hand and stacking it in piles. After 5 days we had about 3 acres cleared and were worn out.
That weekend I saw your display at the Comal County Fair and knew the Brushshark would be perfect for cutting mesquite saplings. You delivered one that next week and after 5 more days I had the entire 30 acres free of mesquite and ready to make hay. I calculated the cost of what I was paying my help and I paid for my Brushshark after that one job. Now I am using it on our hill country ranch cutting regrowth cedar and other woody brush species.
I am truly amazed at how well it works on the smaller brush. We have been dozing cedar on our place for years but the smaller cedar doesn’t doze that easy, it just bends over. That’s where the Brushshark comes to the rescue. It takes out a lot of little cedar in a hurry.
If you ever need to show someone a work in progress or let them practice operating a Brushshark, feel free to call me or send them my way. We have 300 more acres of cedar they can practice on. I won’t even charge much for ‘on the job training’.
Just wanted to let you know how impressed we are with your product. One hour after it arrived we were cutting cedar. The neat thing about it is that it is very simple to operate. My 10 year old son and 15 year old daughter have taken turns at cutting and think it’s a gas. Thank you so much for such a great product.
We used the Brushshark tree shear yesterday for most of the afternoon and are very pleased with it. Of course, it took a little getting used to but after that, we were off and cutting. It is clearing the ground but still cutting close enough to suit us. Any lower and we’d probably have it in the dirt all the time. And I was right, Sandra has pretty much laid claim to it….new tractor, new cutter. She’s in hog heaven.
We cleared an area in thirty minutes that would have taken us a half day by the old hand method. Now to figure out what to do with all the brush that we are piling up. We’ll get you some pictures of some of the before and after.
I received the Brushshark tree shear last week. It’s been fantastic for clearing thorn bushes, cedars, and trimming tree branches. I find it very easy to use. Easier than expected and even fun to operate. I found that it worked safely and effectively within minutes of attaching. After less than 30 min I felt very comfortable. Great to be sitting in a cab away from the thorns, insects and snakes.
I bought a Brush Shark about two years ago to remove cedar Trees that have regrown in some idle farm land. I have the Brushshark mounted on a 63 HP tractor with four wheel drive. I have been able to use the Brushshark to cut the roots below the ground on one side of the tree. This enables me to then lay the tree over and cut the remainder of the roots and completely remove the tree. I can then use the blade to then smooth over the area.
This has made fairly easy work out of an impossible task, with a tractor that I own.
Thanks for the quick response. You have been very good to do business with from the get go. When I purchased my Brushshark tree shear, I felt I had made a good investment. However, after three years of using it I am ready to acknowledge that it was an INCREDIBLE purchase. In retrospect, I regret not having chronicled all that we have put your implement through, I am not sure you would believe it. But it is still alive and working. Thanks again for you help.
Thanks for the information I needed this morning on my Brushshark.
We purchased our Brushshark about 3 years ago for cedar clearing and have really enjoyed using it. We have cleared about 600 acres of cedar on our ranch in Harper TX with it so far. It works great with little ground disturbance. We probably average around 1 acre per hour cutting. I would definitely recommend the Brush Shark if you have land to clear.
Just wanted you to know that we are getting a lot of good use out of our Brushshark. We are using it in East Texas on yaupon holly, which is denser even than the mesquite/cedars in your videos.
It works great. Rather than simply cut them off (which of course it does well) we choose to grab the trunk with the teeth and pull it up roots and all. Keeps us from having to bushhog the regrowth in two years.
If anyone in East Texas wants to see one in action, have them call us.
I’ve only been intending to e-mail you for 2-3 years to tell you how pleased we are with our Brushshark. AND, the advice you gave me on which size Bobcat to buy. We picked up the Brushshark in Austin and a used S185 in Orange, and made it back to Smithville that night. We were using the Brushshark the next day. It was simple to hook up and operate and one of the most valuable tools on our ranch.
I bought it primarily for clearing brush as you advertise but it’s main use has been clearing dead mesquites after we have sprayed them. They are very difficult to cut with a chain saw and even more difficult to handle by hand when they are cut. The Brushshark cuts them off at ground level and goes on to the next one, pushing the cut ones along as we go.
It also as been great for clearing stock paths and ATV paths, which brings to me another thought; could you custom build a 3′ version for the smaller Bobcats to use for clearing more narrow Motorcycle dirt bike trails? If you could, I may buy a smaller Bobcat on which to use it.
I just want to tell you how much I LOVE my Brushshark! I bought a 5 foot Brushshark in 2006 and have it on a John Deere 320 Skid Steer. I used it initially to clear about two miles of heavily overgrown fence line on our ranch south of Weimar, TX. Our bull dozer wasn’t practical in the heavy woods with no good place to burn. I’ve used it on our hunting lease and recently, I purchased a piece of water front property that hasn’t been touched in over 30 years and was heavily overgrown with brambles, yupon, small pine trees. We’ve been using the Brushshark to clear it and are almost finished. I’m 72, and couldn’t have done this without the Brushshark! The soil is sandy forest mulch, and much of the undergrowth I can pinch with the brushshark teeth and pull up roots and all! Thank you so much for creating such a wonderful, useful tool!
I have worked my Brushshark for 100 hours and come to the conclusion that this machine is one of a kind. It will do what no other machine I have found will do when clearing scrub brush and cedar trees. This is the greatest farm machinery I have purchased. Totally satisfied.
Steve I received my new Brushshark today from you. I have to tell you, from the first time we talked on the phone through today your customer service has been more than outstanding. Thank you. Also I was able to run the Brushshark for a few hours on my property and it exceeds all expectations! What a great product. I have 1800 acres of mostly forested land in Central Oregon, and this attachment is worth its weight in gold as far as I’m concerned. It cuts the Bitter brush and re-prod Jack-pine trees effortlessly. I will be telling anyone that will listen at what a great HEAVY-DUTY product the Brushshark is.
Thank you again for the great service.
When I watched the video, I was a little doubtful.
However when I received my brush shark and started to use it I was amazed!
This machine far outdid the video. Every farmer should have one of these machines, every land owner should have one.
Steve was a great person to deal with received it quickly. Tractor dealers should carry this machine.
I’ve been looking for an attachment for my Skid Steer that would cut cedars and mesquite on our property in Evant. I saw the video and made the trip to Blanco to see if the Brush Shark worked as well as advertised. Steve and Chris gave a quick demo and I was sold on the product. After a few days working with it I am very impressed at the amount of clearing this will do and the auto cycle upgrade is well worth the money. Thanks for a great product

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